The five on the table, arranged so we didn't know which was which by Teresa Day of I Eat BR, were the Stone Go To IPA, Founders All Day IPA, Terrapin RecreationAle, Sierra Nevada Nooner, and Southern Tier Farmer's Tan.
Up now, blind taste test #5...
Reviewers: Eric Ducote (BR Beer Scene), Brenton Day (The Ale Runner), Chuck Pierce (Me And My Big Mouth), and Buddy Ethridge.
Serving: Presented in a Chattanooga Brewing Company pint glass.
Appearance: Clearish, deep amber, probably the darkest of the session beers.
Aroma: Bubblegum fruitiness.
Taste: Sweet and fruity... where are the hops?
Mouthfeel: Nothing bad, but nothing good either.
Overall: I found this one to be pretty boring overall, and it scored a 55 with me, for the second lowest score of the group. I wasn't certain what this one was, but the only one left was Sierra Nevada... I would expect better things from them, but we ended up with two beers that disappointed (#3 and #5) and none of these breweries should be putting out disappointing beer.
Check back on Tuesday for the blind tasting reveal!
Overall Rating: 57.5
My Rating: 55
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