Today's Feature Beer is the Sweet Baby Jesus! from DuClaw. It's a chocolate peanut butter porter, clocking in at 6.5% abv and a substantial 56 IBU. Yeah, that's right, chocolate, peanut butter, porter. I've had homebrewed peanut butter beers before but this might be a first for me as far as commercial offerings go. Enough talk... let's review.

Serving: 12 oz. bottle.
Appearance: Dark brown, small head, good looking beer.
Aroma: Peanuts! Lots of peanuts, and a little roastiness as well. Dan said that he smelled ground up peanuts and roasted chocolate... looks like we are in agreement on this one.
Taste: Just like it smells, peanut butter, chocolate, a little roasted malt, but mostly strong delicious peanut butter.
Mouthfeel: A little on the thin side, but it is a porter not a stout so no marks off there. Smooth with a great finish.
Overall: Phenomenal beer, and an excellent attempt at a peanut butter chocolate porter. It's really hard to imagine someone attempting a style like this and doing much better, consider this one to seek out if you're ever traveling to Maryland or trading with someone in that area.
Overall Rating: 87.75
My Rating: 88
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