
Friday, March 1, 2013

Feature Beer Friday! - Brooklyn Local 1

So by the time this post goes up on Friday I'm going to be in New York City, and that means it's time to feature a beer from the Brooklyn Brewery out of Brooklyn, NY.   This is the second feature for the Brooklyn Brewery going way back to the second ever featured beer, the Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout.  That one is one of their seasonal favorites, while the Brooklyn Local 1 is a big-bottle series beer that can typically be found in Baton Rouge year round.  It's not super easy to find, but the better beer stores will usually have some.  If they don't, ask. 

Brooklyn describes this beer as a Belgian-inspired Strong Golden Ale, and it's certainly not weak at 9.0% abv.  They use German malt and hops, sugar from the island nation of Mauritius, and yeast from Belgium to create the beer.  It's also completely bottle conditioned hence the fancy cork & cage on top.  Time to pop that cork and get to some reviewing!

Reviewers: Eric Ducote (BR Beer Scene), Dustin Davis, James Lawson (, and Jeremy Spikes (

Serving: 750ml corked & caged brown bottle.

Appearance: "Nice head w/ straw color; hazy, good head retention" were Dustin's notes... I think that sums it up well.

Aroma: Very "Belgian" aroma to it... floral hops, a little fruity, grassy.

Taste: Very floral as well with a bit of spice and earthy tones.  It had a little hint of Belgian funk to it from the yeast, but Jeremy thought it was a little too bitter.

Mouthfeel: Very well carbonated as expected from the bottle fermentation..

Overall: It wasn't the perfect beer, but we all en joyed this one a lot.  It's a great American example of a Belgian-styled ale and one of the best we can get in the Baton Rouge market.

Overall Rating: 74.25
My Rating: 77

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