
Friday, February 22, 2013

Feature Beer Friday! - Green Flash West Coast IPA

Alright, time for some Green Flash to be featured on Feature Beer Friday!  Green Flash is a relative newcomer to the Baton Rouge (and Louisiana) beer market and the West Coast IPA is one of their flagship brands.  This of course also means that it's one of their first available here, and you should be able to find it anywhere in town with a good craft beer selection. Several other Green Flash beers can be found around town, including two of the other standards, their Hop Head Red and Double Stout.  Others like the Rayon Vert Belgian IPA, Trippel, and Imperial IPA show up from time to time and we even saw some of their fantastic Palate Wrecker hopbomb of an Imperial IPA. 

Feature Beer Friday! hasn't been the kindest to IPAs in the past, as regular contributor Jeremy Spikes hates hops almost as much as I hate pickles, but we still decided to give this West Coast IPA a try.  Maybe in the future we'll get some other Green Flash beers on the tasting table!  

Reviewers: Eric Ducote (BR Beer Scene), Jay Ducote (Bite And Booze), James Lawson (, and Jeremy Spikes (

Serving: 12 oz. brown bottle.

Appearance: Hazy, bubbly with a nice head was my note, while Jay said it was "ideal for the style."

Aroma: Hoppy, and obviously hop forward but there was a little malt in there.  "Pine forest" was the dominant hop flavor in this one.

Taste: I thought it was a little too out of balance on the bitter side, and we also picked up some tangerine flavors to go with the pine.

Mouthfeel: Bitter as expected, lingering bitterness on the tongue.

Overall: A solid West Coast IPA, even Jeremy though it was a "good IPA - if there is such a thing."  Ha!  There most definitely is such a thing, Jeremy.  Jay liked this one the best, giving it the high score of the group, while James wasn't as impressed, remarking that it didn't set itself apart from other IPAs.

Overall Rating: 70.25
My Rating: 76

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