
Friday, September 7, 2012

First Feature Beer Friday! - Guinness Draught

Hello everyone, and welcome to a new weekly feature here on the BR Beer Scene in conjunction with the Raise A Glass radio show.  Throughout season 5 of the show and into the future we will feature episodes where we bring a handful of beers to the table and have a roundtable discussion / critique of the beers while also rating them on a 1-100 scale.  

This isn't an old-school gymnastics scoring though where everyone is between 9-10, or 90-100 in this case.  A 50 should be considered a mediocre beer and anything in the 90 or above range is world class.  Basically 0-20 is a failure, 21-40 is a poor beer, 41-60 is a mediocre brew, 61-80 is getting good, and 81-100 is an "A" effort.

The scoring includes 4 categories, each weighted appropriately.  Appearance is worth a total of 15 points, aroma is worth 25, taste is worth 40, and mouthfeel/finish is worth 20.  We all have our differing opinions on beer, so I'll present the group average, as well as my ratings for each brew. Since we started out this new segment on the radio show with Guinness Draught, I'm going to start out the Feature Beer Friday blog posts with Guinness Draught!

Serving: Nitro widget can.

Appearance: All three of the reviewers of the day, myself, Jay Ducote of Bite And Booze, and Jeremy Spikes of all gave high marks, either 14 or 15 out of 15 possible.  The comments included "about as good as it gets," and "classic nitro pour."

Aroma:   "Roasted, but a little weak here" was the primary comment, and scores dropped a little into the 15-20 out of 25 range. 

Taste:  "Surprisingly delicious and refreshing once you get past that it's dark" was Jay's comment on the taste, and scores were all above average but not overwhelming.

Mouthfeel: All great scores here, in the 17-18 out of 20 range, for this "dry but creamy in a magical way" nitro widget stout.  

Overall: Jeremy described it as a "Solid stout, easy drinking, full and robust without being ridiculous" and I couldn't agree more.

Overall Rating: 76
My Rating: 71

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