
Friday, September 14, 2012

Feature Beer Friday! - Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout

Hello folks, welcome to the second installment of Feature Beer Friday, a new weekly feature here on the BR Beer Scene in conjunction with the Raise A Glass radio show.  Throughout season 5 of the show and into the future we will feature episodes where we bring a handful of beers to the table and have a roundtable discussion / critique of the beers while also rating them on a 1-100 scale.  

This isn't an old-school gymnastics scoring though where everyone is between 9-10, or 90-100 in this case.  A 50 should be considered a mediocre beer and anything in the 90 or above range is world class.  Basically 0-20 is a failure, 21-40 is a poor beer, 41-60 is a mediocre brew, 61-80 is getting good, and 81-100 is an "A" effort.

The scoring includes 4 categories, each weighted appropriately.  Appearance is worth a total of 15 points, aroma is worth 25, taste is worth 40, and mouthfeel/finish is worth 20.  We all have our differing opinions on beer, so I'll present the group average, as well as my ratings for each brew. Up next is a locally available craft beer all the way from Brooklyn Brewing (facebook - twitter) in Brooklyn, NY, the Black Chocolate Stout!

Reviewers: Eric Ducote (BR Beer Scene), Jay Ducote (Bite And Booze), Jeremy Spikes (

Serving: 12 ounce bottle, 2011 vintage.

Appearance: "Deep brown with a nice tan head" and high scores all around.

Aroma: Jay described it as a "brownie with espresso" and the overall sentiment was very positive on the aroma here. Chocolate, coffee, and rich were some of the key terms.

Taste: "Roasted malts, rich chocolate." was one comment and every score came in at 30 or above out of a possible 40 points on the taste.

Mouthfeel: "Creamy & delicious," and "easy drinking stout for 10%" were two of the comments as this beer scored well for mouthfeel overall.  

Overall: The overall sentiment of the group was that this is a great example of an American Imperial Stout, and one that can be found in Baton Rouge when it's seasonally released from October to March.  And don't be afraid to age a few, as this one should cellar well.

Overall Rating: 82
My Rating:86

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