
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Review: Saint Arnold Divine Reserve #12

What's this shit?  Two reviews in two days?  That's right, readers, another beer review and it's coming in quick because like the Stone Ruination Tenth Anniversary IPA, the Saint Arnold Divine Reserve #12 was just released in Baton Rouge and it won't be on the shelves long.  As I mentioned before, this beer from Saint Arnold (facebook - twitter) is an Old Ale, which means it's meant to age and develop over time as opposed to drinking it fresh.

That didn't stop me though, I had to try one so I could let you all know what it's like, right?  It's the tough life I live, drinking these beers so that you don't have to.  Or so that you know that you should.  Either way, I'll bite the bullet.

Back to the beer... as you can see it's a copper color, a little thick with a decent head on it.  It certainly looked pretty in that Big Eddy glass... the one that actually survived the trip back from Indianapolis.  The nose was malty... caramel, toffee, alcohol, a little fruity, very nice though other than the heavily boozy presence.  

The taste was more of the same, boozy but still quite good with a caramel and molasses malt bill and dark fruit present as well.  It's good, but the booziness and "youth" of this one screams aging.  Fortunately, this one has 4 friends that are meant for just that, and I won't touch them until I have a Divine Reserve #13 in my hands.

So if you have some patience, and want to see how a beer ages, this would be a good 6-pack to pick up.  They should be available a few places in town still.


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