
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Happy IPA Day Everyone!

It's that time of year... the first Thursday in August... so it's time to celebrate another International IPA Day!  This is actually only the 2nd Annual IPA Day, the brainchild of a fellow beer blogger who took social media by storm to make the first one happen.  I hosted a tasting last year that went very well... a little too well in fact!  I think I need to petition to make IPA Day a Friday instead of a Thursday, but I'm sure I'll be able to tough it out tomorrow at the office.  

I have a few good ones lined up for tonight as well... some Austin Beerworks (facebook - twitter) Fire Eagle IPA thanks to twitter friend and beer lover Lynell (@hopslover) and also three selections from Three Floyds (facebook - twitter) that I picked up in Indianapolis during the Beer Bloggers' Conference.  I have the Dreadnaught DIPA, Apocalypse Cow DIPA, and the Blackheart English IPA... yum! 

So cheers everyone out there, and be sure to try a new IPA today!

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