
Friday, March 23, 2012

Westvleteren XII Release - Now Expected To Be June

Thanks again to David for bringing this to my attention... it appears that the April release is now looking more like a June release for the Westvleteren XII gift packs.  Here's the full article from BeerPulse, but that's one of the two main points.  The second is that the suggested retail price is going to be $85.  That's a little cheaper than the expected $100 price tag I was betting on, but of course local retailers can always decide to charge what they want. 

The Sint Sixtus Abbey is also stipulating that the packs not be broken down, so anyone looking to score a single or two is going to be out of luck.  Each pack contains six 11.2 oz. bottles and two glasses, but there's no rule against going in with a friend and each taking three bottles and a glass, right?  I'm sure I'm going to grab at least one of these, and if supply in Louisiana allows, maybe even a second.  There are only expected to be around 15,000 packs in the USA total, so I'm sure Louisiana will get a small piece and then Baton Rouge an even smaller piece. 

That said, I can't wait.  I've been able to try this beer once and it would be fantastic to have a few more for the beer fridge!  And really $85 for six of the beers and the two glasses isn't a complete rip off, it certainly beats the black market.


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