
Friday, February 24, 2012

Review: Bayou Teche Courir De Mardi Gras

Many thanks to Dan for giving me a couple of these!  The good news is that I got the hook up, the bad news is that it's because he didn't really like it.  That's alright though, different styles for different folks, and Dan is quite the hophead, so a "Biere De Garde" might not be up his alley at all.  
The "Biere De Garde" is a French-Belgian style of beer, typically malt-heavy with a noble hop flavor flavor and lighter color.  The average alcohol range for these is 6% to 8% but this offering from Bayou Teche Brewing comes in at a lower 5%.  That probably makes it a better beer for Mardi Gras in South Louisiana even if it's not expected for the style.
Poured into a Chimay goblet, it's a golden orange color with minimal head. Not much retention or lacing at all on this beer.   The aroma is biscuity, malty with a little funk to it. I don't pick up any real hop presence.

The taste is more of the same, except it gets a little bitter hop note at the end of the sip. That adds a nice dimension that was missing on the nose. Really easy to drink, it's a little thin and the bitterness lingers on the finish.

It's enjoyable but I won't be rushing out for another.  Maybe it's just the style, but just an average beer to me.

My rating: C

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