
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Draft Magazine's 100 Best Beer Bars in America - 2012

And it's back, Draft Magazine's list of America's 100 Best Beer Bars!  The 2011 version featured a couple of New Orleans beer bars... Avenue Pub (duh) and Cooter Brown's.  This year, however, Cooter Brown's failed to make the cut, so Louisiana is down to one of the top 100 beer bars in the country, as Avenue Pub is on the list yet again.  So congrats to Polly and everyone at the Avenue Pub for some much deserved recognition!  

Unfortunately it's also time to talk about a few bars that I feel were snubbed... two from Houston, the Petrol Station and the Ginger Man Pub.  Neither made the list, and in fact only one beer bar from all of Texas made the cut this year, the Draught House Pub & Brewery in Austin which I have not had the pleasure of visiting.  I guess it's hard for me to REALLY be critical when I've only been to two beer bars on the list, Avenue Pub and Humpy's Great Alaskan Alehouse.  Despite that, I really feel like the Petrol Station especially is deserving of a spot as they were named the most bitter bar by Stone Brewing!  That's a pretty special accomplishment and it shows up in their tap list.

I guess there just isn't enough room for all the great beer bars out there, but maybe in 2013 I won't have to mention who I feel got snubbed!

Avenue Pub on UrbanspoonPetrol Station on UrbanspoonHumpy's on Urbanspoon

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