
Monday, October 3, 2011

Review: Squatters IPA

Alright, time for a quick review of the Squatters IPA.  I've talked about Squatters once before, on the first installment of the Las Vegas trip when we hit up the Squatters Pub in the Salt Lake City airport.  Since then, Squatters and fellow Utah brewery Wasatch have come into the Baton Rouge market together as part of the Utah Brewing Cooperative.  These two (or one) are a welcome addition to the Louisiana beer market, and I've been seeing them around a lot lately.  Not too long ago Eusebio picked up some of the Squatters IPA from Bet-R so I figured I'd give it a try.  I didn't have this one back in the Salt Lake City airport, so it's another step closer to 365 in 2011.

As for this IPA, I poured from a 12 ounce twist-off bottle into a pint glass. The brew is a slightly hazy orange-gold color with maybe half a finger of head. It did leave some nice lacing, though.

The aroma is pretty well balanced, a good caramel malt base with a layered citrus and pine hop aroma. I like the way it smells a lot. The taste is not quite as balanced, the piney hops really come to the forefront and dominate the rest of the flavors really drowning them out. It's quite bitter but it's still a tasty brew, and a good hop-forward IPA.

The bitterness of the hops really lingers a good bit. It's a good beer for sure, I've always enjoyed the Squatters lineup based on that previous experience so I'm thrilled to have Squatters and Wasatch available locally.

My Rating: B+

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