
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Reviews: More Boulevard Smokestack Series

Alright, time for a three-part Boulevard Brewing (@boulevard_beer) quickie to get some of these reviews out of the way!  They are stacking up on my big time.  Time for a three-part review of three more Boulevard Smokestack series beers... I hate to make it quick on three good ones, but I think by now I've established that I really like this series.  For past posts about them, check out the Double-Wide IPA, Long Strange Tripel, and Chocolate Ale. I grabbed all of these in 750ml bottle at Spec's in Houston.

Beer #1: Tank 7 Farmhouse Ale!   This one I poured into a Homer Brewing goblet. It's a pale yellow color, with an impressive head. It has great retention and lacing. Definitely a good looking beer.

The aroma is earthy and medicinal, with hints of honey and a slightly sour note. The flavor is very similar to the aroma except with a tasty bitter hop kick to it. I also really like the creamy mouthfeel and bubbly carbonation.

This is a very well done beer that I thoroughly enjoyed.  Another winner for the Smokestack Series!

My Rating: A
BeerAdvocate: A-

Saison Pale Ale on FoodistaSaison Pale Ale

Beer #2: Two Jokers Double-Wit! This beer called for my Abita cylindrical stange.  This beer is an orange-gold color with a huge white head. Great retention and lacing to the frothy head.

The aroma is very spicy, citric and strong coriander smells to it. There's a little ginger cinnamon smell to it as well. The flavor is a lot like the aroma. Spicy with a multitude of flavors coming through. The coriander is still the most dominant note.

Great mouthfeel, creamy and a perfect flavor blend throughout each sip. Great beer, one of the best yet from the Smokestack series, and that's saying a lot.

My Rating: A+
BeerAdvocate: A-

Witbier on FoodistaWitbier

Beer #3: Seeyoulator Doppelbock! For this one I went with a corsendonk goblet. It's a deep red cloudy beer with a small creamy head.

It has a really rich malty aroma as expected. Definite hints of toffee and caramel and very appetizing. The taste is very similar to the aroma with a boozy sting to it on the front and a roasted tone creeping through on the end. It's definitely more boozy than the aroma indicated, almost as if it was bourbon barrel aged but I don't think it was. Really really good flavor to it.

It's a little thin compared to the bold flavors. Really could use a little body to it but that probably helps the drinkability. Overall, a good beer. Not quite an A+ to me but I'd drink it again without thinking twice.

My Rating: A
BeerAdvocate: B+

Bock on FoodistaBock

And there you go... three more winners from the Boulevard Smokestack Series... I recently picked up a few more of these in smaller 4-packs, so here's hoping they keep impressing me just as much!


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