
Friday, June 24, 2011

Review: BottleTree Blonde Ale

Time for another quickie here!  It turns out I'm pretty far behind on my basic reviews, so here's one on a beer that was given to me by the good guys at Mockler Beverage.  While on a tour of their facility a few months back they offered a handful of beers to try, and the Blonde Ale from BottleTree Beer Company out of North Carolina was one of the new ones for me!
After popping the cap off of the 12 ounce bottle I poured the brew into a stange glass.  It's a clear yellow with a finger worth of white head. Decent retention and lacing, but not overly impressive.

It has a grassy aroma, with little hints of hops. This beer smells more like a pilsener to me really. There is a little Belgian spice but not too much.

The taste is just like the aroma, earthy, nice hop bitterness, but a little funk too.

It's got a lot more body than expected, so higher marks there!  Overall I"m disappointed to say that this is a mediocre forgettable beer in my opinion.  I'd certainly try other brews from BottleTree if Mockler brings them into the market, but I won't need to pick this one up again.

My Rating: C-

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