
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beer Travels: San Antonio Part 1 - Freetail Brewing Co.

Again I'm going to skip a little out of order in my beer writing, but I'd rather get all my thoughts on drinking in San Antonio down before I forget it all!  (Due to more drinking, most likely...)

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to present for work at a conference in San Antonio.  Fantastic, I thought, this should be a good work opportunity AND I'll get an evening or two in San Antonio to do some drinking!  Some quick research on BeerAdvocate (a good place to look for the beer hotspots in larger areas) and I decided the one place I couldn't miss was the Freetail Brewery.   Other attractive places included the Flying Saucer (a chain I know but they usually have a great selection), the Pedicab Bar and Grille, the Blue Star Brewery, and the Ranger Creek Brewery & Distillery
After checking into the hotel Monday afternoon I was picked up by a fellow Beer lover, Chad, and we headed up to the Freetail Brewery for some brews and grub.  The place is in a relatively new building way out on the outskirts of San Antonio... thankful again for the ride because a cab would have broke the bank! It's a nice new place... large L-shaped bar with fermenting tanks beyond... barrels hanging around for decoration and a good many flat-screen TVs with the Spurs on.

I was impressed with the quality of beers... while here I tried the La Rubia Blonde Ale, Exxxtra Pale Ale, Buffalo Hump IPA, and the Hopothesis Dark IPA all from Freetail. I especially enjoyed the Exxxtra Pale Ale and Hopothesis, very nice brews and reasonable microbrewery prices. They also had a guest selection, the Live Oak (@liveoakbrewing) Treehugger Barley Wine, which stole the show. I was impressed that they would have some other Texas micros on tap, kudos to them!

La Rubia Blonde Ale, Exxxxtra Pale Ale, Buffalo Hump IPA, Live Oak Treehugger Barley Wine, & Hopothesis Dark IPA
We tried a little food as well... the green chili & goat cheese artichoke dip was awesome, and the chips and queso were filling. Didn't get into the bigger items, but the appetizers were good.

A fun place... kind of a tough location unless you live on that side of town but worth the visit.  After drinking our fill there Chad wanted to check out a beer bar closer in to town that he hadn't been to yet... and I was certainly game!  So off we headed to a place called the Pedicab Bar & Grille... check back for Part 2.

Freetail Brewing Co. on Urbanspoon

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