
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Review: Harpoon 100 Barrel Series - Pott's Landbier & Oak Aged Dunkel

Time for a quick double-review of a couple of limited series beers from the Harpoon Brewery (@harpoon_brewery) out of Boston, MA.  These are both part of this 100 Barrel Series brews... the Pott's Landbier and Oak Aged Dunkel!  These are numbers 32 and 34 in the Harpoon 100 Barrel Series, and as far as I know they aren't avialable in Louisiana.  I've seen other Harpoon products in town, especially the popular IPA and UFO Hefeweizen, but never any of this series.  I picked up these two at Spec's in Houston... so on to the reviews:

Up first is the Pott's Landbier... a Vienna Lager styled beer that I poured from a bomber into a pint glass.  It's a deep orange color, clear with lots of bubbles and two fingers worth of frothy white head. Good retention and lacing.

It smells crisp, with just a hint of malt and hops but nothing too dominant. Kinda faint, really and unimpressive.  The flavor is better, hops are most dominant and it's a little bitter due to a lack of balance. It could really use some more malt flavor to me.

The mouthfeel is fine other than the awkward bitter aftertaste. It has great body for such a low alcohol beer.  Unfortunately the weird bitter taste keeps me from really wanting another, but it's not going to keep me from finishing this bomber easily!  A slightly above average beer, but nothing worth seeking out again before they are all gone.
My Rating: C+
The second in line is the Oak Barrel Aged Dunkel, another European styled lager, but this one is taken the extra step of aging time in American oak barrels.   Just like the Pott's Landbier, I poured the dunkel from a bomber into a pint glass.  It's a deep red color with an off-white head, about two fingers worth.  Just like the one above this one is a good looker.

Like the Landbier, the aroma is pretty weak. I like what I'm picking up, rich dark malts, but it's just not very powerful.

The taste is far better... sweet rich malts, chocolate and toffee flavors. There was a flash of an off-metallic taste but then it was gone. Tasty, I like this one a lot... not really picking up much of the oak aging, but it's a solid dunkel.

It has a really nice mouthfeel full despite the low abv, creamy even.  Easy to drink, this one is a winner.  Clearly the better choice of the two 100 Barrel Series brews I've tried, and I think I'd pick up a few more if I saw them on the shelves.

My Rating: B+

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top Of The Hops 2011 - Cajundome, Lafayette

Whew... Top Of The Hops... see, what had happened was, I had been drinking.  A lot.  31 new beers in fact at this past festival.  Yeah, that puts a large dent in the 365 in 2011 goal, with a month's worth of new beers in one afternoon.

You would think I wouldn't remember them all at that point, but you're wrong!  Apparently my memory for beers is a well oiled machine.  Anyway, a couple of Saturdays ago I took off with Mandi, Jay, and Jeremy and we headed down to the Cajundome to do some beer tasting.

The first thing I did after we got in was head to the Parish Brewing table.  Andrew has been a friend of the BR Beer Scene since the beginning and I knew he had a black IPA to try, and it did not disappoint!  Rich roasted malts with a bitter hop bite, I thought it was very well done and a great start to the day.  Andrew also had a hop infusion machine, pumping his Biere Amber through fresh hops and into your glass... and interesting contraption that created a sort of beer/hop tea.  It was tasty, and quite different than anything else on the day.

Andrew and Eric at the Parish Brewing booth.

Some other highlights of the new ones to me included the Brouwerij Het Anker offerings, several beers from the Sherwood Forest Brewery, several new offerings from Shmaltz Brewing, and I was able to finally try the NOLA 7th Street Wheat and Flambeau Red Ale!  The brews from Zea also made an appearance with their full lineup... I knew Zea was doing their own beer (although I believe contract brewed by Covington) but had never tried them before.  

Zea brews on display.
The NOLA tap handle.
After hitting up all the new ones I could find, it was time for some old favorites like Chimay, Stone, Unibroue, Affligem, and more...

That's a lot of empty Affligem bottles!
You can never go wrong with Unibroue.
All in all, a fantastic afternoon, capped off by a nice meal at Jolie's after the drinking was over.  I'll definitely be back next year!


Monday, April 25, 2011

Beer Links Time!

Maybe I should make this an every Monday thing... but here are a few local beer links I wanted to share with everyone!

An article on Parish Brewing!  As any loyal readers know, I've been a fan of Parish brewing from the beginning, having made several trips to check out Andrew's progress.  It seems a lot of people are taking notice these days!  Congrats to Andrew and Parish Brewing for all the success.

Samuel Smith beer dinner - tonight at The Londoner.  I'll be there to check out the British-styled beer & food pairings.  Samuel Smith's is a fantastic British brewery readily available in Baton Rouge... I've even done a three-part series on their beers a while back.  (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3)  They will also have the royal wedding on TV live for anyone who wants to check that out.

Pub Crawl BR will be having another charity pub crawl this Friday in Downtown Baton Rouge... check out their website or facebook page for more info!

Abita has a beer dinner coming up at Galatoire's on May 6th which will feature 5 courses paired with an Abita beer.  Abita also has a Pub Crawl lined up for May 13th, also in downtown Baton Rouge.  This pub crawl will feature the Abita Wheat beer.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Review: The Londoner

Ever since this Londoner place opened up I've been wanting to check it out, but it's on the other side of town so it took a little while... fortunately, thanks to a half-off $40 gift certificate from 225 Best Eats I went out there with my friend Carlye a couple of weeks ago. 
The beer selection is pretty decent but also pretty typical... a lot of the beers you would expect at a British pub, but they did have a few interesting bottles that I'd never tried.  More on that later... as I perused the draft list there was one new one, so that's what I started with, as we ordered a chips & curry appetizer, which turned out to be pretty interesting and tasty.

The first beer was the Moylan's Kilt-Lifter Scotch Ale, not to be confused with the Pike Brewing Company Kilt-Lifter Scotch Ale!   The beer came out in a pint glass... not much head but that's to be expected from a bar pour. It's a reddish brown color, not bad.

The aroma is malty with hints of dark fruit and vanilla, very nice.  The taste is about as expected... very malty with caramel and coffee notes to it, not a lot of 'scotch' flavor but still a damn fine beer and one I'd order again.  Overall this is probably the best beer on tap at The Londoner, so I'd definitely have more of it if I went back.
My Rating: B+

Moylan's Kilt-Lifter Scotch Ale
After that I went to the bottle list and found the Black Art Gold, by Braustolz GmbH.  And if that name sound familiar to you, then A) you read my blog too much, and B) it should, as I tried the Black Art Black Premium Beer by the same brewery a couple of months ago!  That one pleasantly surprised me, this one... um... not so much.  It came in a clear bottle, and poured a lifeless golden color.  It tasted grassy and funky, a lot like a Heineken, in my opinion.  Definitely a beer I'd like to forget and one I don't think I'll ever be ordering again.

My Rating: D+
Black Art Gold
Following that I went for the other new beer on the bottle list, the Old Speckled Hen English Pale Ale from Greene King / Morland Brewery.  I've had another beer from these guys, but you'd have to go WAY back to my first ever beer post, about the Wexford Irish Style Creme Ale from October of 2009.  This one also came out in a clear-glass bottle, not exactly a good sign as clear glass lets in the MOST light and can lead to a skunky beer the fastest.  Unlike the Black Art Gold, though, I really enjoyed this one.  It's an English Pale Ale, so it was a lot more hoppy and less malty than the American counterparts.  There was a little bit of toasted biscuit flavors in there but overall it was mostly hoppy, but not overwhelming at all.  A decent beer and one I certainly wouldn't turn down if offered!
My Rating: B-

"Old Speckled Hen"
As for a little food, the fish & chips were pretty good, but nothing that blew me away. I think the "chips" were more above par than the fish. I doubt I'll be back too often for just a happy hour trip because I live on the other side of town, but it was definitely worth a visit.  I could see some return trips for special British-themed events for sure.

The Londoner on Urbanspoon 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Beer Travels: The Flying Saucer - Houston, TX

As I'm sure is obvious for anyone who knows me, or follows my blog, my twitter (@BRBeerScene) or is friends with me on facebook, I've been spending a lot more time in Houston lately.  An added bonus to this, of course, is that I've had the chance to check out a few cool places to get some beers in Houston and try a lot of their local beers that are only on draft.  A couple of weeks ago I was in town, and it happened to coincide with the Final Four being played in Houston... Mandi and I decided to go check out The Flying Saucer downtown to drink some beers, grab a little food, and watch the games!

We had been told parking downtown was a nightmare, but we ended up getting a spot on the street just a few blocks away from the bar.  Score!  The "parking" inside the bar was a different story, though.  It was packed!  And we thought we were getting there early at around 4:15 in the afternoon... lesson learned.  The place has plenty of seating inside, outside, and upstairs, all just seat yourself.  There wasn't an empty spot to be found so we ordered up a couple of beers, and found a good spot to stand, watch the pre-game, and watch for empty seats.  I started out with a Phoenixxx ESB from Real Ale Brewing in the Texas hill country, and Mandi went with a Boulevard Wheat to lighten it up a bit.
Phoenixxx ESB and Boulevard Wheat
Before we had to wait TOO long a couple of seats opened up at the bar... and from there the drinking was on.  They really had an impressive selection of local brews, and to me that's the true sign of a good beer bar. Anyone can get all sorts of popular imports on tap, or the bigger micro-brews from around the states, but the Flying Saucer in Houston had an impressive lineup of local breweries. I saw Saint Arnold, 512, Ranger Creek, Real Ale, Jester King, Live Oak, and Southern Star for sure which are all Texas breweries.  And only a few Saint Arnold and Southern Star releases are available in Baton Rouge, so that's where we started.
Ranger Creek's Mesquite Smoked Porter and Oatmeal Pale Ale
 The next six selections were all Texas beers... the 512 Black IPA, Ranger Creek La Bestia Aimable Belgian Ale, Ranger Creek Mesquite Smoked Porter, Ranger Creek Oatmeal Pale Ale, Southern Star Buried Hatchet Stout, and the Southern Star Bombshell Blonde Ale.  And I'm not going to lie, every one of these hit the mark for the styles.  Black IPAs are all the rage right now, Abita did one as a select, I tried one from the Freetail brewery in San Antonio not long ago, and even tried one from Parish Brewing at the Top Of The Hops beer festival in Lafayette.  (Blog post to come...)  The 512 (@512brewing) was up there with any of them, roasted malts and strong hops.  Ranger Creek is another one that impressed... the mesquite smoked porter was like drinking BBQ, and the other two offerings were tasty as well.  Southern Star is available in some fashion in Baton Rouge, and I can see them doing very well. 

Southern Star Buried Hatchet Stout
After that we went for two non-local brews that I'd never seen before.  The Great Divide Belgica IPA and the Stone Highway 78 Scotch Ale.  The Belgica is a Belgian-style IPA from Great Divide, currently one of my favorite breweries.  The Highway 78 Scotch Ale is a collaboration brew between Stone (@stonebrewingco), Green Flash (@greenflashbeer), and Pizza Port... all of course located on Highway 78 in California.  At 8.8% abv it was pretty strong for a Scotch Ale, but taste nonetheless. 

Great Divide Belgica and Stone Highway 78 Scotch Ale
In addition to all that beer, we tried were some cheese fries while watching the Final Four, and they were plenty tasty enough.  I'm definitely looking forward to another trip to The Flying Saucer in the future.  There were a few local breweries I didn't even get to, like Jester King, Saint Arnold, and Live Oak, and it seemed like they did a really good job of rotating new beers in as much as possible.  Kudos to them for keeping a large local tap list, I'm a fan!

Flying Saucer Draught Emporium on Urbanspoon

Thursday, April 14, 2011

New Belgium - Lips Of Faith Series

Time for a couple more standard reviews... this time from the "Lips Of Faith" series from New Belgium Brewing (@newbelgium) out of Fort Collins, Colorado.  I'm not sure how long they've been doing this series but each one seems to be inspired by a different old-world style and have some pretty crazy flavors!  I picked up the Sahti and Vrienden from Spec's in Houston a little while back, and I have a few more waiting for future tastings.

First, the Sahti... this is a take on a Finnish style of beer traditionally flavored with Juniper berries, and it's my first go at this style...  I poured it into a goblet... wasn't sure what would be best and I see that BA recommends a pint glass. Whoops... hopefully a goblet will do just fine though.

It's a deep golden color, not hazy like the style says it should be, with a really small head. Nothing too impressive here, but it's not like it looks bad.

The smell is very biscuity, with a warm maltiness to it and then just a hint of floral note at the end. It's interesting for sure and makes me want to dive in.

The flavor is very similar to the smell... malty up front but there are definite woody bitter notes at the end. This one tastes more like a Belgian ale than I was expecting with floral undertones to it.  It's got a nice body to it... very very drinkable. This one could be trouble at 7.2% abv if I had more of it or was sitting at a bar.

My Rating: B+

Up next, the Vrienden, which is apparently Flemish for friends.  There, don't ever say my blog didn't educate you about something other than beer!  This one is a pretty potent 8.5% abv American Wild Ale, brewed with hibiscus and brettanomyces.  For those unfamiliar, brettanomyces (or just brett) is a yeast strain used in many Belgian wild ales and sours, along with lambics and guezes... it tends to impart a bit of a sour flavor to beers, sometimes desirable, sometimes not!  This beer was served in a 22 oz. bottle, poured into a Corsendonk goblet.

It's a reddish-amber color, with a small white head.  You can definitely smell the floral notes... the dominant flavor is definitely the hibiscus with a hint of hops.  The hibiscus is even more present on the tongue, with those sour brett flavors coming through too. A good blend of floral and sour notes, pretty delicious really, and not what I was expecting.

The mouthfeel is good... not too thin, very carbonated, pleasant.  I don't know how many of these I could drink... the sour notes make it tough to really down it. Plus it's pretty strong despite not tasting too boozy. Overall, I enjoyed this one a good bit, and it was certainly nice to try something new!

My Rating: A-
BeerAdvocate: B

Obviously I liked these two a little more than the masses, so I look forward to trying some more of the series!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Drinking At The Hammond Smokin' Blues & BBQ Challenge - Part 2

Alright, after checking out that delicious BBQ, it's time for the beers!  Thanks again to Calandro's for sponsoring our BBQ team, including a handful of beers to drink as we let the meat smoke all night.  (I actually reviewed these properly a few days later... but here are the action pics...)
The first beer I tried was the He'Brew Genesis Ale from Schmaltz Brewing, which is originally out of California but also contract brews out of New York.  It was an overly hoppy beer for an Amber Ale, but still not bad.   There is definitely a malt warmth to it but the hops dominate the aroma and the taste.  

After that it was on to the Bald Eagle Brown Ale from RJ Rockers out of South Carolina.  I'd never heard of RJ Rockers before spotting a few of their beers at Calandro's but hey, anything is worth trying once.  (When it comes to beer at least...)  I thought it was a very tasty beer, but a bit of a one-trick pony.  It's all malts, all the time.  The flavor is great but I wanted a little something extra in there to mix things up.  This is definitely one I'd share a pitcher with amongst friends though, and one of the more pleasant surprises of the night.

The next two beers I tried both hailed from the Boulder Beer Company (@boulderbeerco
) out of... you guessed it... Boulder, Colorado.  The first one was the Mojo IPA, a good crisp piney IPA that really worked well.  A great flavor to it but some of the ancillary factors (appearance, aroma) were a little lacking.  The second was the Kinda Blue Blueberry Wheat Beer, which was unfortunately a little disappointing as far as blueberry beers go.  It has a wheat-heavy earthy flavor but not a whole lot of blueberry taste to it.  Oh well... still glad I gave it at try!

Finally I broke out another beer from the Schmaltz Brewing Company... this time the He'Brew Bittersweet Lenny's Rye India Pale Ale.  Damn, that's a lot of name, and fortunately this one was a lot of beer.  It was a 10% abv imperial IPA brewed with rye malts.  It had more of a barleywine aroma to it than an IIPA, with a strong balance of malt and hops and a sweet molasses feel.  The taste was more of the same... a fantastic beer and certainly a highlight of the contest as far as the beers went!

Thanks again to Sammy at Calandro's for helping us out and providing these taste beers to drink while we cooked!  It was a great time with great people.

Drinking At The Hammond Smokin' Blues & BBQ Challenge - Part 1

A couple of weekends ago I had the opportunity to join the Bite And Booze team for the Hammond Smokin' Blues & BBQ Challenge.  We were sponsored by Calandro's Supermarket, with additional help from Kicker's BBQ, Red Stick Spice Company, Jeremy of Faire Les Courses, and Third Row Tailgaters.  We might have been a little disappointed at the results, but the BBQ was still delicious and I had a great time.  And one of the best things about having Calandro's on board, was that we had several new craft beers on hand to try out while we were cooking!  More on that later, but first a few pictures of the BBQ...

Team Bite And Booze's chicken entry.

Spare ribs!
Pulled pork!
BBQ sauce fountain!

Check back soon for some more details about all the beer that was drank during the competition!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Top Of The Hops - Lafayette - Tomorrow (April 9th)

Hello everyone!  If you're looking for something to do tomorrow and feel like trying a bunch of beers, I'd recommend the Lafayette Top Of The Hops festival from 2 to 6 tomorrow!  I'll be there, and I've heard good things about the North Shore festival over in Mandeville.

The brewery list for Lafayette is out now, and here are a few of the ones I'd highly recommend:

De Ranke
Gouden Carolus
Samuel Smith
Southern Star
You can't go wrong with those, and many of the other standards like Rogue, Sierra Nevada, Grimbergen, Abita, Saint Arnold and more... I'm also excited to see a few breweries I don't know very well... new beer is always a good thing!  Some of them might be fantastic, but you won't know until you try.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Beer Travels: San Antonio Part 2 - Pedicab Bar & Grille

After hitting the Freetail Brewery in Part 1 of my beer travels in San Antonio, Chad and I took off to a place close to downtown called the Pedicab Bar & Grille... they had free wings with each beer on Monday nights, and a pretty high quality selection so it sounded good to me.  It was pretty easy to find, just look for all the cars parked on the street! There was a large open area out front after going through the gates with picnic tables and plenty of people drinking and eating wings. I remember it being a very diverse crowd... people from all walks of life and backgrounds hanging out drinking.

We headed up the ramps and into the bar... definitely a "hole in the wall" sort of bar with a good many tables and a large bar. There was a stage for live music although no one was playing this night.

They were definitely looking for quality over quantity, although it seemed I saw more people drinking Lonestar than anything else. We had some Green Flash Hop Head Red, 512 Pecan Porter, Oskar Blues Pale Ale, and then I dropped a pretty penny on some 2009 Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA just because I'd never had the chance to try one. Other than the 120 Minute, the prices seemed reasonable for the quality of beers.
I'm pretty sure these were the 512 Pecan Porters... but I had been drinking.
 As for the food... it was wing night and that ended up being a clusterfuck. Apparently you turn in your ticket to get your free wings (5 per beer I think, but they gave us a 20-spot for ordering the 120 Minute) and then wait until it's your turn to pick them up. No real order to it, but eventually (and after a few more beers) we got the wings. By then I was pretty well inebriated so they were quickly devoured, but nothing TOO special. Can't beat the price, though.

Definitely an interesting place... I can see it being some people's go-to bar but not totally my vibe.  The highlight was getting to try the Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA, which was a boozy mess but also pretty damn delicious.  
Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
Thanks again to Chad for showing me around a few beer joints in San Antonio... unfortunately the rest of my trip was almost all work and no beers, but it was nice to have an evening to cut loose a little in a new town.

The Pedicab Bar and Grille  on Urbanspoon

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Beer Travels: San Antonio Part 1 - Freetail Brewing Co.

Again I'm going to skip a little out of order in my beer writing, but I'd rather get all my thoughts on drinking in San Antonio down before I forget it all!  (Due to more drinking, most likely...)

A couple of weeks ago I had the opportunity to present for work at a conference in San Antonio.  Fantastic, I thought, this should be a good work opportunity AND I'll get an evening or two in San Antonio to do some drinking!  Some quick research on BeerAdvocate (a good place to look for the beer hotspots in larger areas) and I decided the one place I couldn't miss was the Freetail Brewery.   Other attractive places included the Flying Saucer (a chain I know but they usually have a great selection), the Pedicab Bar and Grille, the Blue Star Brewery, and the Ranger Creek Brewery & Distillery
After checking into the hotel Monday afternoon I was picked up by a fellow Beer lover, Chad, and we headed up to the Freetail Brewery for some brews and grub.  The place is in a relatively new building way out on the outskirts of San Antonio... thankful again for the ride because a cab would have broke the bank! It's a nice new place... large L-shaped bar with fermenting tanks beyond... barrels hanging around for decoration and a good many flat-screen TVs with the Spurs on.

I was impressed with the quality of beers... while here I tried the La Rubia Blonde Ale, Exxxtra Pale Ale, Buffalo Hump IPA, and the Hopothesis Dark IPA all from Freetail. I especially enjoyed the Exxxtra Pale Ale and Hopothesis, very nice brews and reasonable microbrewery prices. They also had a guest selection, the Live Oak (@liveoakbrewing) Treehugger Barley Wine, which stole the show. I was impressed that they would have some other Texas micros on tap, kudos to them!

La Rubia Blonde Ale, Exxxxtra Pale Ale, Buffalo Hump IPA, Live Oak Treehugger Barley Wine, & Hopothesis Dark IPA
We tried a little food as well... the green chili & goat cheese artichoke dip was awesome, and the chips and queso were filling. Didn't get into the bigger items, but the appetizers were good.

A fun place... kind of a tough location unless you live on that side of town but worth the visit.  After drinking our fill there Chad wanted to check out a beer bar closer in to town that he hadn't been to yet... and I was certainly game!  So off we headed to a place called the Pedicab Bar & Grille... check back for Part 2.

Freetail Brewing Co. on Urbanspoon

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Quick Review: Boulevard Double Wide IPA

Here is my second ever offering from Boulevard Brewing out of Kansas City!  (Check them out on Twitter at @Boulevard_Beer)  The first one I had was their standard Wheat beer, at a beer bar in Houston... this one is one of their "Smokestack series" of bigger beers... can't wait to give it a try. 
For this one, I poured from a 750ml bottle into an imperial pint glass... it's a deep orange color, hazy with a large bubbly white head. Great retention and lacing.

It has a fantastic aroma... hoppy and slightly malty, a little on the pine side of things. There's a little caramel in there as well.  This is followed up with a delicious taste on the tongue... hoppy, malty, well balanced... the little malt gives a delicious sweetness before the hops really take hold.

It's got a good mouthfeel too, thick, bubbly, I really like this one.

This is one of the better DIPAs I've had recently... I'm a big fan.

My Rating: A+
I grabbed several more of the Boulevard Smokestack Series beers on my last trip to Houston, so here's hoping this is a good sign of things to come!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quick Review: Allagash Dubbel Ale

Here's another one I picked up at Spec's in Houston... if you haven't figured it out by now, Spec's on Smith St. right by downtown Houston is probably the best beer run you can make from Baton Rouge for a really good selection of brews you can't find in Baton Rouge.  Heading the other direction I hear Pensacola has some really good bottle shops, but I haven't tried to beer run that way yet.  (Other than a planned trip to Gainesville...)

Allagash is a brewery out of Maine that specializes in Belgian-style ales.  I've had their Tripel and Curieux (bourbon barrel aged tripel) before and both were pretty good beers... so, it's time to try their dubbel.
As true with all Belgian-style ales, the proper glassware is some soft of goblet or oversized wine glass.  This brew is a murky brown color with a finger-worth of creamy off-white head. Good looking beer.

It smells like raising and malt sweetness. Definitely some Belgian candy-sugar sweetness to it.  The taste is like the aroma but not super bold... it's kind of a let down after the aroma, but still good.   It's a little thin, but still overall a good beer. Not the best dubbel ever but still enjoyable.  
I still say my all-time favorite dubbel is the Chimay Premiere (red label) followed closely by the Westmalle Dubbel, but for an American version, this offering from Allagash is not bad at all.

My Rating: B

Friday, April 1, 2011

2011 New Year's Resolutions At The 1/4 Mark.

Alright, time to revisit these New Year's Resolutions and see how I'm doing!
1) Visit more breweries: I had to go back and check my wording on this one and see if I said "visit" or "tour" and it turns out I never used the word "tour" so I can say this one is at 3.  My goal was 6 and I've so far hit up Tin Roof, Parish, and then Freetail Brewery in San Antonion.  The post on Freetail will be coming shortly.  So, 50% done with 75% of the year to go... on a great pace!

2)  Get published somewhere other than my own blog: Nothing new to report here... damn.

3)  Keep home-brewing: Unfortunately this has slowed down a bit too... we have beer #3, a pecan-chip imperial stout in secondary and a noble pilsener fermenting, but with my co-brewer Dustin getting married in March, there hasn't been a whole lot of time for brewing.  We'll get it going again shortly.

4)  Enter a home-brew contest:  Nothing new here either, although there has been talk about helping Visit Baton Rouge and Bite And Booze HOST a home-brew contest.  Wouldn't be quite the same as entering one myself.

5)  Drink a beer stronger than 14% abv.  Double-Check.  I knocked this one out last month actually with the 18.2% abv Tokio* Imperial Stout.  Then, just for good measure I tried an 18% abv Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA while I was in San Antonio.  No review yet, but it was tasty!

6)  Continue to get in better shape as I drink all this beer:  Well... so far I've just held steady, but that needs to change.  This is the resolution I need to bear down on the most.  I'm about to start a Couch To 10K running plan, I did the Couch To 5K plan last Summer/Fall and it worked wonders so it's time to amp it up.

7)  Drink 365 new beers in 2011: I'm at 95... and 31 + 28 + 31 = 90, so that puts me 5 ahead of pace for 3 months in.  Rock on!

Cheers everyone, and I hope you are all doing well on your resolutions thus far!

Also feel free to follow me on Twitter (@BRBeerScene) and like my facebook page!