
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Abita "Pub Crawl" Update

Word on the street (er... internet...) is that Abita is dropping their claims against Pub Crawl BR.  I guess a lot of bad publicity and lots of negative attention was enough to change their minds in a hurry.  I know there was a lot of negative feedback on their facebook page and probably many e-mails and calls.  So... way to stand up beer lovers!  And way to come to your senses Abita and support the cause instead of fighting against it.



  1. So do they own the trademark or not though? Sounds like they are just trying to appease people. What if NOLA Brewing decides to do a Pub Crawl? Wonder what they'd do then.


    The Beer Buddha

  2. As far as I know they do still own the trademark, they are just appeasing people. And chances are, if taken to court, a trademark on a term as generic as "pub crawl" wouldn't hold up and they know it.

    So, rather than fight a losing battle, might as well try to save some face!

    In my non-legal expert opinion, of course.

  3. The official word from Abita:

  4. Thanks Jeremy! Can't facebook from the office, but I saw the statement.
