
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gouden Carolus Hopsinjoor

Time for a new style to me or my blog... a Belgian IPA.  When people typically think of the IPA style they think of American IPAs, commonly brewed out on the west coast featuring a heavy hop flavor.  The Belgian version of the style is inspired by the American brewers in a bit of a role reversal.  Think of an American IPA with belgian yeast strains, bottle conditioned and most likely unfiltered.  Sounds good to me!

This particular one hails from the Brouerij Het Anker,which according to their website opened in 1369.  That's not a typo.  13... as in a long time ago.  Other notable events of 1369 include King Charles V of France declaring war on England, the Turks invading Bulgaria, the pogo stick being invented, and James Lawson being born.

As for the beer itself, I poured it from a 750 ml bottle into my trusty Chimay goblet... hazy golden color with a massive white head. Definitely an unfiltered brew, with great retention and lacing on this one.

Smells of hops, for sure... sweet delicious hops. Also hints of citrus on the nose. Very nice.  The taste is bitter citrus up front, fading to the hops on the end. Good carbonation, hoppy aftertaste, a little like grapefruit at the end. A little bit bitter for my taste, but still a very good beer.  I'll definitely be on the lookout for more Belgian IPAs to serve as a comparison.

My rating: A
Beeradvocate: A-

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