I poured this one from a bomber into an imperial pint glass as you can see. It pours a super dark color, damn near black but maybe a little bit of brown. Huge creamy tan head, lots of lacing and great retention. It even overflowed a bit, I hate to waste beer like that, damn!
It smells like smoke, for sure... hard to place the exact flavors but it smells like a Pacific NW salmon being smoked... at least that's what comes to mind. The taste hits up front with a little bit of chocolate before the smoke flavor takes over... and then lingers a bit. It's good but I expected more. The beer is a little more watery than I would like to see too... but still has a decent mouthfeel.
Medium marks for drinkability... the smoke flavors are a little on the strong side and it might throw some people off. This one definitely isn't for the faint of heart... it's a bit extreme on the smoke flavors and certainly not a session beer, but for anyone looking to try new beers, definitely pick one up.
It smells like smoke, for sure... hard to place the exact flavors but it smells like a Pacific NW salmon being smoked... at least that's what comes to mind. The taste hits up front with a little bit of chocolate before the smoke flavor takes over... and then lingers a bit. It's good but I expected more. The beer is a little more watery than I would like to see too... but still has a decent mouthfeel.
Medium marks for drinkability... the smoke flavors are a little on the strong side and it might throw some people off. This one definitely isn't for the faint of heart... it's a bit extreme on the smoke flavors and certainly not a session beer, but for anyone looking to try new beers, definitely pick one up.
Taste: A-
Value: B
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