
Monday, January 4, 2010

Review: Stone IPA

File this one under:

This is a relatively new one to the Louisiana market... and I'm thrilled that Stone and their beers are here.  They have a reputation as one of the best West coast breweries, which are typically known for their hoppy IPAs and extreme variations.  I picked up a 6-pack of this one at the Bet-R store right by my place after trying one with Andrew, Jay and friends while checking out the beginnings of the Parish Brewery.  I didn't have a chance to really review it then so it needed a second try and it didn't disappoint one bit.

You can check out the appearance in the picture... hazy golden color, not too big of a head.  It smells strong of floral hops. I love that slightly sweet smell to the hops on the nose. Not much else though, as to be expected from the style.

The taste is what you'd expect based on the smell and the hype. Sweet hoppiness up front, lingering hoppy bitterness, well balanced between in each sip. Good carbonation and no bad aftertastes.  All in all a very well crafted IPA.  This is one of the best examples of the style to be found, so if you like the hops, or want to try something different and see if you like it, pick up some of these guys!

Taste: A-
Value: A

In other notes... I've been debating turning this blog into just beer reviews and beer thoughts.  I enjoy scotch, wine, bourbon and other liquors, but it might be best just to focus on beer.  Thoughts anyone?

India Pale Ale on Foodista

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