
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Review: Brooklyn Lager

File this one under:

I picked up a 6-pack of Brooklyn Brewery Lagers from Bet-R for Thanksgiving a few weeks back... good prices and a decent little selection over there.  After Thanksgiving I had a few left over so it was time for a review.  

I poured it from a 12 oz. bottle into a Third Row pint glass. There's a great look to this one for a lager like this. Lots of bubbly carbonation, decent sized head that filled the last 4 ounces of the glass, but not quite enough to overflow. Very nice, and unexpected. 

Very malty on the nose, nothing else stands out at all, clean smell, no funk at all. The malt carries over into the taste well, although it takes a while to get the flavors on the tongue. A bit watered down on the front and back end of each sip, strong malt in the middle with a bit of an aftertaste. It's good, and the flavor that is there is great, but just lacks a little body.

The drinkability is great, I could drink all night on these guys. All in all a damn fine lager and a damn fine session beer... well done Brooklyn!

Taste: B+
Value: A

Lager on Foodista

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