Picked up from Marcello's on Perkins... poured into a Chimay goblet from the large 750ml bottle. Had to break out the wine opener for this one as you can see... most corked beer has more of a champagne style cork to it that can be pulled out easy but this one was a wine-style cork.
As you can see... it poured a hazy dark orange color with an average sized creamy off-white head. Looks good for sure.
A very floral aroma to this one... like sucking in through a wreath of roses. Nothing telling as far as hops or malt goes, but a typical Belgian style to it.
The taste is different at first. Bitter and biting at first... a little bit of floral tastes at the end. Not exceptionally convincing either way. I'm just not feeling this one on the sips like I expected... disappointed would be the right word.
It's not BAD by any means... just not really a standout beer. I'd had their Fantôme Hiver before and it was a real standout... look for that one over this one.
Taste: B
Value: C+ ($13.99 for the 750 ml.)
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