
Monday, November 23, 2009

Review: Abita Golden

File this one under:

A friend brought a 6-pack of these guys over for the LSU vs. LA Tech game, and to the host go the spoils, right?  I've always been a fan of Abita, but the more I explore other beers out there the more I realize they are just a middle of the road microbrewery, but they're still the local guys, so they get some support from me.  

I poured the Golden from a 12 oz. bottle into a Third Row pint glass.  It's very clear, no haziness to it at all, golden color befitting the name with a bubbly white head. Actually surprising head retention on this one. 

Not much on the nose... straw mostly, a bit earthy but none of it really stands out. More of the straw on the taste, but also crisp. A little corn at the end maybe? Subtle sweet hints in the flavor as well. Good for a lager for sure, but nothing special.  A step up from the big boys for sure.

Mouthfeel gets higher marks, very clean taste, hardly any aftertaste, certainly nothing bad. And high marks for drinkability as well. This is far from my favorite Abita beer but I could still kick back a few while watching LSU play or destroying a crawfish boil.  In fact, I think Abita Golden would make a perfect crawfish boil beer!

Taste: C
Value: B

Some random thoughts... look for a few reviews from the last beer run coming out soon... I've already tried three of them, all fantastic!  I officially hate DeSean Jackson for killing me in one of my fantasy matchups last night.  2012 looks like one of the worst movies ever... anyone seen it that can confirm this?

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