
Saturday, November 21, 2009

Beer run!

File this one under:
Beer run!

So... Saturday morning... and after Eusebio swung by last night to hang out and try some of the Oaked Arrogant Bastard Ale I realized I was down to one fresh beer in the fridge.  Fresh in this case being one I haven't had a chance to review and post for you guys.  So... I needed to stock up on some new beers to get to over the coming weeks.

Sounds like a trip to Calandro's was in order, which was perfect because I also needed to get some bread so I could make sandwiches from my leftover turkey and I needed some chips and salsa for the LSU game this afternoon.  And it just so happens they have the best beer selection in town.  An opportunistic coincidence, I think.

So... here you go... this is what you can look forward to in the coming few weeks... a few old favorites that I haven't written about (St. Bernardus Abt 12 and the St. Bernardus Witbier) plus a handful of new beers to me.  A six-pack of McSorley's Pale Ale, bombers of Unibroue La Terrible, North Coast Brother Thelonius, North Coast La Merle Saison, and a bottle of De Dolle Dulle Teve.  So... look forward to reviews on these guys coming soon!


And my prediction?  LSU 24, Ole Piss 20

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